My Health Journey

My health journey started around the age of 18. Up until this point, I had suffered from tummy issues like bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhea. When my periods started they were painful and heavy and made it difficult to leave the house.  

In my early teens, I had severe mono twice and would sleep for hours and still feel physically exhausted. I envied the people that woke up at 5:30am and were talkative and cheery. It would take me hours to come round. 

At 20, I worked at a local health food store. I loved working there. I read tons of books, and learned how to use supplements and herbs. 

It was at the health food store that I began to take a serious interest in a formal education on the subjects of health and nutrition. 

I found IIN, Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC. It was an intensive once a month weekend for 10 months.  It was here that I learned over a 100+ dietary theories and listened to teachers such as Sally Fallon, Walter Willet, David Wolfe, Dr. Mark Hyman, and Deepak Chopra. 

By mid 20s I attended massage school and after becoming licensed I opened my massage practice and began seeing clients.

By 2018, I decided to further my nutrition education and attended Functional Nutrition Alliance to become a Functional Nutrition Coach.  

My practice was keeping me quite busy and I tend to be a bit of a workaholic. I was stressed out, my hormones were a wreck, chronically exhausted and gaining weight like never before. My sugar cravings came back with the vengeance and were out of control. 

About this time, I began seeking out how to heal my gut. It was also through my functional nutrition school that I learned how our digestive system is the foundation to healing. If your digestive system is a weak link, then forget about healing anything else! 

I learned how to completely heal my digestive system through supplementation and nutrition. This completed transformed my life and my bowel movements. 

I no longer suffer from diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and feeling full after eating a very small amount. It’s also helped me reverse some food sensitivities and allergies. The allergy test proved this! 

In Functional Nutrition school, I learned that the quality of my poop tells a story about my health. I realized that although I was eating a ‘healthy food”, my body was not healthy. I wasn’t even able to properly absorb the nutrients from the food I was eating because of my leaky gut. 

For the past 3 years I had been on a vegan diet and found that my symptoms were flaring up worse than ever before. But how could this be? I was following all the best advice from well respected doctors …. don’t eat dairy, don’t eat wheat, don’t eat sugar, don’t drink coffee or meat.. I was so scared to eat anything after an episode sent me to the ER. I was at an all time low. 

While I had made progress with my gut, my hormones were still a wreck. 

I had no energy for anything. I was frustrated that I felt this way despite eating the “best diet on the planet”.  I was taking all sorts of herbs and supplements, going to acupuncture, applying acupressure to myself…

I was listening to what everyone else thought I should be doing — except ME. 

I had had enough. I threw out everything – every book and system and went back to my roots. 

I started drinking raw cream with my chicory Teeccino. I purchased raw butter and eventually raw milk. I started eating red meat and sourdough bread. All the things I wasn’t supposed to eat.

Within 3 days I felt more alive, energized and happy than I had in the past 4 years

After changing my diet, my moods were better and more stabilized. I felt happier and the weight started coming off more effortlessly. 

I had laprascopic surgery to remove an endometrioma the size of a tennis ball on both my ovaries. They also checked my tubes and -miracle – they were open! 

Back in 2020, I was diagnosed by a fertility doctor with hydrosalpinx. In this case, they wanted to remove my fallopian tube. 

All the work I’ve been doing up until this point has payed off and it wasn’t all in vain. The journey to health is not linear, and it’s a very narrow path. 

I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned is to truly connect with my body and listen to my intuition. It can be difficult because it’s a small voice that nudges you —it’s not shouting from the rooftops. 

Finally, after all this – my hormones have stabilized and I feel like I found true healing. I feel like a whole new person. 

It’s frustrating when you have all these gurus, experts and social media influencers out there telling you how to do this or that and romanticizing health. 

There is always going to be that next fad diet and more propaganda to sort through. It’s frustrating and annoying to sift through the bullshit out there. 

You know what? You are your own best doctor. 

And doctors? They do not study nutrition in med school. They don’t even study healthy people. They practice on sick people. They study sickness, diseases, and symptoms – not root causes. You become a statistic, not an individual. And all patients are treated with the same protocol. 

I believe you can heal yourself. I’m your advocate and your cheerleader. 

Let’s connect today. 

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